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QueryResult ¤

Bases: TypedDict

Query execution outputs for the Neo4jQueryReader component.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/components/
class QueryResult(TypedDict):
    Query execution outputs for the `Neo4jQueryReader` component.

    records: NotRequired[List[Dict[str, Any]]]
    first_record: NotRequired[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]
    error: NotRequired[Exception]
    error_message: NotRequired[str]

Neo4jQueryReader ¤

A component for reading arbitrary data from Neo4j database using plain Cypher query.

This component gives flexible way to read data from Neo4j by running custom Cypher query along with query parameters. Query parameters can be supplied in a pipeline from other components (or pipeline inputs). You could use such queries to read data from Neo4j to enhance your RAG pipelines. For example a prompt to LLM can produce Cypher query based on given context and then Neo4jQueryReader can be used to run the query and extract results. OutputAdapter component might become handy in such scenarios - it can be used as a connection from the Neo4jQueryReader to convert (transform) results accordingly.


Please consider data types mappings in Cypher query when working with query parameters. Neo4j Python Driver handles type conversions/mappings. Specifically you can figure out in the documentation of the driver how to work with temporal types.

Example: Find a Document node with Neo4jQueryReader and extract data
from neo4j_haystack.client.neo4j_client import Neo4jClientConfig
from neo4j_haystack.components.neo4j_query_reader import Neo4jQueryReader

client_config = Neo4jClientConfig("bolt://localhost:7687", database="neo4j", username="neo4j", password="passw0rd")

reader = Neo4jQueryReader(client_config=client_config, runtime_parameters=["year"])

# Get all documents with "year"=2020 and return "name" and "embedding" attributes for each found record
result =
    query=("MATCH (doc:`Document`) WHERE doc.year=$year RETURN as name, doc.embedding as embedding"),

>>> {'records': [{'name': 'name_0', 'embedding': [...]}, {'name': 'name_1', 'embedding': [...]}, {'name': 'name_2', 'embedding': [...]}], 'first_record': {'name': 'name_0', 'embedding': [...]}}

The above result contains the following output:

  • records - A list of dictionaries, will have all the records returned by Cypher query. You can control record outputs as per your needs. For example an aggregation function could be used to return a single result. In such case there will be one record in the records list.
  • first_record - In case the records contains just one item, first_record will have the first record from the list (put simply, first_record=records[0]). It was introduced as a syntax convenience.

If your Cypher query produces an error (e.g. invalid syntax) you could use that in Loop-Based Auto-Correction pipelines to ask LLM to auto correct the query based on the error message, afterwards run the query again.

Example: Output error with Neo4jQueryReader
from neo4j_haystack.client.neo4j_client import Neo4jClientConfig
from neo4j_haystack.components.neo4j_query_reader import Neo4jQueryReader

client_config = Neo4jClientConfig("bolt://localhost:7687", database="neo4j", username="neo4j", password="passw0rd")

reader = Neo4jQueryReader(client_config=client_config, raise_on_failure=False)

# Intentionally introduce error in Cypher query (see "RETURN_")
result =
    query=("MATCH (doc:`Document` {name: $name}) RETURN_ as name, doc.year as year"),
    parameters={"name": "name_1"},

>>> {'error_message': 'Invalid input 'RETURN_'...', 'error': <Exception>}

The error_message output can be used in your pipeline to deal with Cypher query error (e.g. auto correction)

When configuring Query parameters for Neo4jQueryReader component, consider the following:

  • Parameters can be provided at the component creation time, see parameters
  • In RAG pipeline runtime parameters could be connected from other components. Make sure during creation time to specify which runtime_parameters are expected.

At the moment parameters support simple data types, dictionaries and python dataclasses (which can be converted to dict). For example haystack.ChatMessage instance is a valid query parameter input. If you supply custom classes as query parameters, e.g. Neo4jQueryReader(client_config=client_config).run(parameters={"obj": <instance of custom class>}) it will result in error. In such rare cases query_parameters_marshaller attribute can be used to provide a custom marshaller implementation for the type being used as query parameter value.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/components/
class Neo4jQueryReader:
    A component for reading arbitrary data from Neo4j database using plain Cypher query.

    This component gives flexible way to read data from Neo4j by running custom Cypher query along with query
    parameters. Query parameters can be supplied in a pipeline from other components (or pipeline inputs).
    You could use such queries to read data from Neo4j to enhance your RAG pipelines. For example a
    prompt to LLM can produce Cypher query based on given context and then `Neo4jQueryReader` can be used to run the
    query and extract results. [OutputAdapter]( component might
    become handy in such scenarios - it can be used as a connection from the `Neo4jQueryReader` to convert (transform)
    results accordingly.

        Please consider [data types mappings]( in \
        Cypher query when working with query parameters. Neo4j Python Driver handles type conversions/mappings.
        Specifically you can figure out in the documentation of the driver how to work with temporal types.

    ```py title="Example: Find a Document node with Neo4jQueryReader and extract data"
    from neo4j_haystack.client.neo4j_client import Neo4jClientConfig
    from neo4j_haystack.components.neo4j_query_reader import Neo4jQueryReader

    client_config = Neo4jClientConfig("bolt://localhost:7687", database="neo4j", username="neo4j", password="passw0rd")

    reader = Neo4jQueryReader(client_config=client_config, runtime_parameters=["year"])

    # Get all documents with "year"=2020 and return "name" and "embedding" attributes for each found record
    result =
        query=("MATCH (doc:`Document`) WHERE doc.year=$year RETURN as name, doc.embedding as embedding"),

        `>>> {'records': [{'name': 'name_0', 'embedding': [...]}, {'name': 'name_1', 'embedding': [...]}, \
        {'name': 'name_2', 'embedding': [...]}], 'first_record': {'name': 'name_0', 'embedding': [...]}}`

    The above result contains the following output:

    - `records` - A list of dictionaries, will have all the records returned by Cypher query. You can control record
        outputs as per your needs. For example an aggregation function could be used to return a single result.
        In such case there will be one record in the `records` list.
    - `first_record` - In case the `records` contains just  one item, `first_record` will have the first record
        from the list (put simply, first_record=records[0]). It was introduced as a syntax convenience.

    If your Cypher query produces an error (e.g. invalid syntax) you could use that in `Loop-Based Auto-Correction`
    pipelines to ask LLM to auto correct the query based on the error message, afterwards run the query again.

    ```py title="Example: Output error with Neo4jQueryReader"
    from neo4j_haystack.client.neo4j_client import Neo4jClientConfig
    from neo4j_haystack.components.neo4j_query_reader import Neo4jQueryReader

    client_config = Neo4jClientConfig("bolt://localhost:7687", database="neo4j", username="neo4j", password="passw0rd")

    reader = Neo4jQueryReader(client_config=client_config, raise_on_failure=False)

    # Intentionally introduce error in Cypher query (see "RETURN_")
    result =
        query=("MATCH (doc:`Document` {name: $name}) RETURN_ as name, doc.year as year"),
        parameters={"name": "name_1"},

        `>>> {'error_message': 'Invalid input \'RETURN_\'...', 'error': <Exception>}`

    The `error_message` output can be used in your pipeline to deal with Cypher query error (e.g. auto correction)

    When configuring [Query parameters]( \
    for `Neo4jQueryReader` component, consider the following:

    - Parameters can be provided at the component creation time, see `parameters`
    - In RAG pipeline runtime parameters could be connected from other components.
      Make sure during creation time to specify which `runtime_parameters` are expected.

        At the moment parameters support simple data types, dictionaries and python dataclasses (which can be converted
        to `dict`). For example `haystack.ChatMessage` instance is a valid query parameter input. If you supply custom
        classes as query parameters, e.g. \
        `Neo4jQueryReader(client_config=client_config).run(parameters={"obj": <instance of custom class>})` it will
        result in error. In such rare cases `query_parameters_marshaller` attribute can be used to provide a
        custom marshaller implementation for the type being used as query parameter value.

    def __init__(
        client_config: Neo4jClientConfig,
        query: Optional[str] = None,
        runtime_parameters: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        verify_connectivity: Optional[bool] = False,
        raise_on_failure: bool = False,
        query_parameters_marshaller: Optional[QueryParametersMarshaller] = None,
        Creates a Neo4jDocumentReader component.

            client_config: Neo4j client configuration to connect to database (e.g. credentials and connection settings).
            query: Optional Cypher query if known at component creation time. If `None` should be provided as component
            runtime_parameters: list of input parameters/slots for connecting components in a pipeline.
            verify_connectivity: If `True` will verify connectivity with Neo4j database configured by `client_config`.
            raise_on_failure: If `True` raises an exception if it fails to execute given Cypher query.
            query_parameters_marshaller: Marshaller responsible for converting query parameters which can be used in
                Cypher query, e.g. python dataclasses to be converted to dictionary. `Neo4jQueryParametersMarshaller`
                is the default marshaller implementation.
        self._client_config = client_config
        self._query = query
        self._runtime_parameters = runtime_parameters or []
        self._verify_connectivity = verify_connectivity
        self._raise_on_failure = raise_on_failure

        self._neo4j_client = Neo4jClient(client_config)
        self._query_parameters_marshaller = query_parameters_marshaller or Neo4jQueryParametersMarshaller()

        # setup inputs
        kwargs_input_slots = {param: Optional[Any] for param in self._runtime_parameters}
        component.set_input_types(self, **kwargs_input_slots)

        # setup outputs
            self, records=List[Dict[str, Any]], expanded_record=Optional[Dict[str, Any]], error=Optional[str]

        if verify_connectivity:

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Serialize this component to a dictionary.
        data = default_to_dict(

        data["init_parameters"]["client_config"] = self._client_config.to_dict()

        return data

    def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Neo4jQueryReader":
        Deserialize this component from a dictionary.
        client_config = Neo4jClientConfig.from_dict(data["init_parameters"]["client_config"])
        data["init_parameters"]["client_config"] = client_config
        return default_from_dict(cls, data)

    def run(self, query: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs) -> QueryResult:
        Runs the arbitrary Cypher `query` with `parameters` to read data from Neo4j.

            query: Cypher query to run.
            parameters: Cypher query parameters which can be used as placeholders in the `query`.
            kwargs: Arbitrary parameters supplied in a pipeline execution from other component's output slots, e.g.
                `pipeline.connect("year_provider.year_start", "reader.year_start")`, where `year_start` will be part
                of `kwargs`.

            Output: Records returned from Cypher query in case request was successful or error message if there was an
                error during Cypher query execution (`raise_on_failure` should be `False`).

                ```py title="Example: Output with records"
                {'records': [{...}, {...}], 'first_record': {...}}


                - `records` - List of records returned (e.g. using `RETURN` statement) by Cypher query
                - `first_record` - First record from the `records` list if any

                ```py title="Example: Output with error"
                {'error_message': 'Invalid Cypher syntax...', 'error': <Exception>}


                - `error_message` - Error message returned by Neo4j in case Cypher query is invalid
                - `error` - Original Exception which was triggered by Neo4j (containing the `error_message`)
        query = query or self._query
        if query is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "`query` is mandatory input and should be provided either in component's constructor, pipeline input or"
        kwargs = kwargs or {}
        parameters = parameters or {}
        parameters_combined = {**kwargs, **parameters}

            _, records = self._neo4j_client.execute_read(

            return {"records": records, "first_record": records[0] if len(records) > 0 else None}
        except Exception as ex:
            if self._raise_on_failure:
                logger.error("Couldn't execute Neo4j read query %s", ex)
                raise ex

            return {
                "error": ex,
                "error_message": str(ex),

    def _serialize_parameters(self, parameters: Any) -> Any:
        Serializes `parameters` into a data structure which can be accepted by Neo4j Python Driver (and a Cypher query
        respectively). See \
            for more details.
        return self._query_parameters_marshaller.marshal(parameters)

__init__ ¤

    client_config: Neo4jClientConfig,
    query: Optional[str] = None,
    runtime_parameters: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    verify_connectivity: Optional[bool] = False,
    raise_on_failure: bool = False,
    query_parameters_marshaller: Optional[QueryParametersMarshaller] = None,


  • client_config (Neo4jClientConfig) –

    Neo4j client configuration to connect to database (e.g. credentials and connection settings).

  • query (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    Optional Cypher query if known at component creation time. If None should be provided as component input.

  • runtime_parameters (Optional[List[str]], default: None ) –

    list of input parameters/slots for connecting components in a pipeline.

  • verify_connectivity (Optional[bool], default: False ) –

    If True will verify connectivity with Neo4j database configured by client_config.

  • raise_on_failure (bool, default: False ) –

    If True raises an exception if it fails to execute given Cypher query.

  • query_parameters_marshaller (Optional[QueryParametersMarshaller], default: None ) –

    Marshaller responsible for converting query parameters which can be used in Cypher query, e.g. python dataclasses to be converted to dictionary. Neo4jQueryParametersMarshaller is the default marshaller implementation.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/components/
def __init__(
    client_config: Neo4jClientConfig,
    query: Optional[str] = None,
    runtime_parameters: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    verify_connectivity: Optional[bool] = False,
    raise_on_failure: bool = False,
    query_parameters_marshaller: Optional[QueryParametersMarshaller] = None,
    Creates a Neo4jDocumentReader component.

        client_config: Neo4j client configuration to connect to database (e.g. credentials and connection settings).
        query: Optional Cypher query if known at component creation time. If `None` should be provided as component
        runtime_parameters: list of input parameters/slots for connecting components in a pipeline.
        verify_connectivity: If `True` will verify connectivity with Neo4j database configured by `client_config`.
        raise_on_failure: If `True` raises an exception if it fails to execute given Cypher query.
        query_parameters_marshaller: Marshaller responsible for converting query parameters which can be used in
            Cypher query, e.g. python dataclasses to be converted to dictionary. `Neo4jQueryParametersMarshaller`
            is the default marshaller implementation.
    self._client_config = client_config
    self._query = query
    self._runtime_parameters = runtime_parameters or []
    self._verify_connectivity = verify_connectivity
    self._raise_on_failure = raise_on_failure

    self._neo4j_client = Neo4jClient(client_config)
    self._query_parameters_marshaller = query_parameters_marshaller or Neo4jQueryParametersMarshaller()

    # setup inputs
    kwargs_input_slots = {param: Optional[Any] for param in self._runtime_parameters}
    component.set_input_types(self, **kwargs_input_slots)

    # setup outputs
        self, records=List[Dict[str, Any]], expanded_record=Optional[Dict[str, Any]], error=Optional[str]

    if verify_connectivity:

to_dict ¤

to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]

Serialize this component to a dictionary.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/components/
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Serialize this component to a dictionary.
    data = default_to_dict(

    data["init_parameters"]["client_config"] = self._client_config.to_dict()

    return data

from_dict classmethod ¤

from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Neo4jQueryReader

Deserialize this component from a dictionary.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/components/
def from_dict(cls, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Neo4jQueryReader":
    Deserialize this component from a dictionary.
    client_config = Neo4jClientConfig.from_dict(data["init_parameters"]["client_config"])
    data["init_parameters"]["client_config"] = client_config
    return default_from_dict(cls, data)

run ¤

    query: Optional[str] = None,
    parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> QueryResult

Runs the arbitrary Cypher query with parameters to read data from Neo4j.


  • query (Optional[str], default: None ) –

    Cypher query to run.

  • parameters (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], default: None ) –

    Cypher query parameters which can be used as placeholders in the query.

  • kwargs

    Arbitrary parameters supplied in a pipeline execution from other component's output slots, e.g. pipeline.connect("year_provider.year_start", "reader.year_start"), where year_start will be part of kwargs.


  • Output ( QueryResult ) –

    Records returned from Cypher query in case request was successful or error message if there was an error during Cypher query execution (raise_on_failure should be False).

    Example: Output with records
    {'records': [{...}, {...}], 'first_record': {...}}


    • records - List of records returned (e.g. using RETURN statement) by Cypher query
    • first_record - First record from the records list if any
    Example: Output with error
    {'error_message': 'Invalid Cypher syntax...', 'error': <Exception>}


    • error_message - Error message returned by Neo4j in case Cypher query is invalid
    • error - Original Exception which was triggered by Neo4j (containing the error_message)
Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/components/
def run(self, query: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs) -> QueryResult:
    Runs the arbitrary Cypher `query` with `parameters` to read data from Neo4j.

        query: Cypher query to run.
        parameters: Cypher query parameters which can be used as placeholders in the `query`.
        kwargs: Arbitrary parameters supplied in a pipeline execution from other component's output slots, e.g.
            `pipeline.connect("year_provider.year_start", "reader.year_start")`, where `year_start` will be part
            of `kwargs`.

        Output: Records returned from Cypher query in case request was successful or error message if there was an
            error during Cypher query execution (`raise_on_failure` should be `False`).

            ```py title="Example: Output with records"
            {'records': [{...}, {...}], 'first_record': {...}}


            - `records` - List of records returned (e.g. using `RETURN` statement) by Cypher query
            - `first_record` - First record from the `records` list if any

            ```py title="Example: Output with error"
            {'error_message': 'Invalid Cypher syntax...', 'error': <Exception>}


            - `error_message` - Error message returned by Neo4j in case Cypher query is invalid
            - `error` - Original Exception which was triggered by Neo4j (containing the `error_message`)
    query = query or self._query
    if query is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "`query` is mandatory input and should be provided either in component's constructor, pipeline input or"
    kwargs = kwargs or {}
    parameters = parameters or {}
    parameters_combined = {**kwargs, **parameters}

        _, records = self._neo4j_client.execute_read(

        return {"records": records, "first_record": records[0] if len(records) > 0 else None}
    except Exception as ex:
        if self._raise_on_failure:
            logger.error("Couldn't execute Neo4j read query %s", ex)
            raise ex

        return {
            "error": ex,
            "error_message": str(ex),

_serialize_parameters ¤

_serialize_parameters(parameters: Any) -> Any

Serializes parameters into a data structure which can be accepted by Neo4j Python Driver (and a Cypher query respectively). See Neo4jQueryParametersMarshaller for more details.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/components/
def _serialize_parameters(self, parameters: Any) -> Any:
    Serializes `parameters` into a data structure which can be accepted by Neo4j Python Driver (and a Cypher query
    respectively). See \
        for more details.
    return self._query_parameters_marshaller.marshal(parameters)