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A base class for nodes of an abstract syntax tree for metadata filters. Its descriptor property provides a python friendly name (e.g. potentially used as a method name)

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
class AST:
    A base class for nodes of an abstract syntax tree for metadata filters. Its `descriptor` property provides a python
    friendly name (e.g. potentially used as a method name)

    def descriptor(self) -> str:
        return type(self).__name__.lower()

LogicalOp ¤

Bases: AST

AST node which represents a logical operator e.g. "AND", "OR", "NOT". Logical operator is comprised of an operator (e.g. "AND") and respective operands - expressions participating in the logical evaluation syntax. For example one could read it the following way: "operand1 AND operand2", where "AND" is the operator and "operand1", "operand2" are AST nodes which might evaluate into:

  • simple expressions like "field1 = 1 AND field2 >= 2"
  • more complex expressions like "(field1 = 1 OR field2 < 4) AND field3 > 2"

Please notice the actual representation of expressions is managed by a separate component which knows how to parse the syntax tree and translate its nodes (AST) into DocumentStore's specific filtering syntax.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
class LogicalOp(AST):
    `AST` node which represents a logical operator e.g. "AND", "OR", "NOT".
    Logical operator is comprised of an operator (e.g. "AND") and respective operands - expressions participating in
    the logical evaluation syntax. For example one could read it the following way: ``"operand1 AND operand2"``, where
    ``"AND"`` is the operator and ``"operand1", "operand2"`` are `AST` nodes which might evaluate into:

    * simple expressions like ``"field1 = 1 AND field2 >= 2"``
    * more complex expressions like ``"(field1 = 1 OR field2 < 4) AND field3 > 2"``

    Please notice the actual representation of expressions is managed by a separate component which knows how to parse
    the syntax tree and translate its nodes (`AST`) into DocumentStore's specific filtering syntax.

    def __init__(self, operands: Sequence[AST], op: str):
        if OpType.from_op(op) != OpType.LOGICAL:
            raise Neo4jFilterParserError(
                f"The '{op}' logical operator is not supported. Consider using one of: {LOGICAL_OPS}."

        self.operands = operands
        self.op = op

    def descriptor(self) -> str:
        return "logical_op"

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<LogicalOp {self.op=}, {self.operands=}>"

ComparisonOp ¤

Bases: AST

This AST node represents a comparison operator in filters syntax tree (e.g. "==", "in", "<=" etc). Comparison operator is comprised of an operator, a field name and field value. For example one could read it in the following way: "age == 20", where

  • "==" - is the operator
  • "age" - is a field name
  • "20" - is a comparison value.

Please notice the actual representation of comparison expressions is managed by a separate component which knows how to translate the ComparisonOp into DocumentStore's specific filtering syntax.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
class ComparisonOp(AST):
    This `AST` node represents a comparison operator in filters syntax tree (e.g. "==", "in", "<=" etc).
    Comparison operator is comprised of an operator, a field name and field value. For example one could
    read it in the following way: ``"age == 20"``, where

    - ``"=="`` - is the operator
    - ``"age"`` - is a field name
    - "20" - is a comparison value.

    Please notice the actual representation of comparison expressions is managed by a separate component which knows how
    to translate the `ComparisonOp` into DocumentStore's specific filtering syntax.

    def __init__(self, field_name: str, op: str, field_value: FieldValueType):
        if OpType.from_op(op) != OpType.COMPARISON:
            raise Neo4jFilterParserError(
                f"The '{op}' comparison operator is not supported. Consider using one of: {COMPARISON_OPS}."

        self.field_name = field_name
        self.op = op
        self.field_value = field_value

    def descriptor(self) -> str:
        return "comparison_op"

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<ComparisonOp {self.field_name=}, {self.op=}, {self.field_value=}>"

FilterParser ¤

The implementation of metadata filter parser into an abstract syntax tree comprised of respective AST nodes. The tree structure has a single root node and, depending on actual filters provided, can result into a number of Logical nodes as well as Comparison (leaf) nodes. The parsing logic takes into consideration rules documented in the following document Metadata Filtering.

FilterParser does not depend on actual DocumentStore implementation. Its single purpose is to parse filters into a tree of AST nodes by applying metadata filtering rules (including default operators behavior).

With a given example of a metadata filter parsing below:

filters = {
    "operator": "OR",
    "conditions": [
            "operator": "AND",
            "conditions": [
                {"field": "meta.type", "operator": "==", "value": "news"},
                {"field": "meta.likes", "operator": "!=", "value": 100},
            "operator": "AND",
            "conditions": [
                {"field": "meta.type", "operator": "==", "value": "blog"},
                {"field": "meta.likes", "operator": ">=", "value": 500},
op_tree = FilterParser().parse(filters)

We should expect the following tree structure (op_tree) after parsing:

                                        | <LogicalOp> |
                                        |  op: "OR"   |
                          +-------------+  operands   +----------------+
                          |             +-------------+                |
                          |                                            |
                    +-----+-------+                              +-----+-------+
                    | <LogicalOp> |                              | <LogicalOp> |
                    |  op: "AND"  |                              |  op: "AND"  |
                    +-------------+                              +-------------+
           +--------+  operands   +----+                 +-------+  operands   +-------+
           |        +-------------+    |                 |       +-------------+       |
           |                           |                 |                             |
+----------+---------+  +--------------+------+   +------+-------------+   +-----------+---------+
|   <ComparisonOp>   |  |   <ComparisonOp>    |   |   <ComparisonOp>   |   |   <ComparisonOp>    |
|                    |  |                     |   |                    |   |                     |
| field_name: "type" |  | field_name: "likes" |   | field_name: "type" |   | field_name: "likes" |
| op: "=="           |  | op: ">="            |   | op: "=="           |   | op: "!="            |
| field_value: "blog"|  | field_value: 500    |   | field_value: "news"|   | field_value: 100    |
+--------------------+  +---------------------+   +--------------------+   +---------------------+

Having such a tree DocumentStore should be able to traverse it and interpret into a Document Store specific syntax.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
class FilterParser:
    The implementation of metadata filter parser into an abstract syntax tree comprised of respective
    `AST` nodes. The tree structure has a single root node and, depending on actual filters provided, can result
    into a number of Logical nodes as well as Comparison (leaf) nodes. The parsing logic takes into consideration rules
    documented in the following document [Metadata Filtering](

    `FilterParser` does not depend on actual DocumentStore implementation. Its single purpose is to parse filters into a
    tree of `AST` nodes by applying metadata filtering rules (including default operators behavior).

    With a given example of a metadata filter parsing below:

    filters = {
        "operator": "OR",
        "conditions": [
                "operator": "AND",
                "conditions": [
                    {"field": "meta.type", "operator": "==", "value": "news"},
                    {"field": "meta.likes", "operator": "!=", "value": 100},
                "operator": "AND",
                "conditions": [
                    {"field": "meta.type", "operator": "==", "value": "blog"},
                    {"field": "meta.likes", "operator": ">=", "value": 500},
    op_tree = FilterParser().parse(filters)

    We should expect the following tree structure (`op_tree`) after parsing:

                                            | <LogicalOp> |
                                            |  op: "OR"   |
                              +-------------+  operands   +----------------+
                              |             +-------------+                |
                              |                                            |
                        +-----+-------+                              +-----+-------+
                        | <LogicalOp> |                              | <LogicalOp> |
                        |  op: "AND"  |                              |  op: "AND"  |
                        +-------------+                              +-------------+
               +--------+  operands   +----+                 +-------+  operands   +-------+
               |        +-------------+    |                 |       +-------------+       |
               |                           |                 |                             |
    +----------+---------+  +--------------+------+   +------+-------------+   +-----------+---------+
    |   <ComparisonOp>   |  |   <ComparisonOp>    |   |   <ComparisonOp>   |   |   <ComparisonOp>    |
    |                    |  |                     |   |                    |   |                     |
    | field_name: "type" |  | field_name: "likes" |   | field_name: "type" |   | field_name: "likes" |
    | op: "=="           |  | op: ">="            |   | op: "=="           |   | op: "!="            |
    | field_value: "blog"|  | field_value: 500    |   | field_value: "news"|   | field_value: 100    |
    +--------------------+  +---------------------+   +--------------------+   +---------------------+

    Having such a tree DocumentStore should be able to traverse it and interpret into a Document Store specific syntax.

    def __init__(self, flatten_field_name=True) -> None:
        self.flatten_field_name = flatten_field_name

    def comparison_op(self, field_name: str, op: str, field_value: FieldValueType) -> ComparisonOp:
        return ComparisonOp(field_name, op, field_value)

    def logical_op(self, op: str, operands: Sequence[AST]) -> LogicalOp:
        return LogicalOp(operands, op)

    def combine(self, *operands: Optional[OperatorAST], default_op: str = LOGICAL_OPS.OP_AND) -> Optional[OperatorAST]:
        Combines several operands (standalone filter values) into a logical operator if number of operands is greater
        than one. Operands with `None` value are skipped (e.g. empty strings).

            default_op: Default operator to be used to construct the `LogicalOp`, defaults to `OP_AND`

            Logical operator with `operands` or the operand itself if it is the only provided in arguments.
        valid_operands = [op for op in operands if op]

        if len(valid_operands) == 0:
            return None

        return valid_operands[0] if len(valid_operands) == 1 else self.logical_op(default_op, valid_operands)

    def _parse_comparison_op(self, filters: FilterType) -> ComparisonOp:
        Parsing a comparison operator dictionary.

            filters: Comparison filter dictionary with `field`, `operator` and `value` keys expected.

            Neo4jFilterParserError: If required `field` or `value` comparison dictionary keys are missing.

           `AST` node representing the comparison expression in abstract syntax tree.

        operator = filters["operator"]
        field_name = filters.get("field")
        filter_value = filters.get("value")

        if not field_name:
            raise Neo4jFilterParserError(f"`field` is mandatory in comparison filter dictionary: `{filters}`.")

        if filter_value is None:
            raise Neo4jFilterParserError(f"`value` is mandatory in comparison filter dictionary: `{filters}`.")

        return self.comparison_op(field_name, operator, filter_value)

    def _parse_logical_op(self, filters: FilterType) -> LogicalOp:
        This method is responsible of parsing logical operators. It returns `LogicalOp` with specific operator
        (e.g. "OR") and its operands (list of `AST` nodes). Operands are parsed by calling `:::py self._parse_tree`
        which might result in further recursive parsing flow.

            filters: Logical filter with conditions.

            Neo4jFilterParserError: If required `conditions` logic dictionary key is missing or is not a `list` with at
                least one item.

            The instance of `LogicalOp` with the list parsed operands.

        op = filters["operator"]
        conditions = filters.get("conditions")

        if not conditions or not isinstance(conditions, list) or len(conditions) < 1:
            raise Neo4jFilterParserError("Can not parse logical operator with empty or absent conditions")

        operands: List[AST] = [self._parse_tree(condition) for condition in conditions]

        return self.logical_op(op, operands)

    def _parse_tree(self, filters: FilterType) -> OperatorAST:
        This parses filters dictionary and identifies operations based on its "operator" type,
        e.g. "AND" would be resolved to a logical operator type (`OpType.LOGICAL`). Once recognized the parsing
        of the operator and its filter will be delegated to a respective method (e.g. `self._parse_logical_op` or

            filters: Metadata filters dictionary. Could be the full filter value or a smaller filters chunk.

            Neo4jFilterParserError: If required `operator` dictionary key is missing.
            Neo4jFilterParserError: If `filters` is not a dictionary.
            Neo4jFilterParserError: If operator value is unknown.

            A root `AST` node of parsed filter.

        if not isinstance(filters, dict):
            raise Neo4jFilterParserError("Filter must be a dictionary.")

        if "operator" not in filters:
            raise Neo4jFilterParserError("`operator` must ne present in both comparison and logic dictionaries.")

        operator = filters["operator"]
        op_type = OpType.from_op(operator)

        if op_type == OpType.LOGICAL:
            return self._parse_logical_op(filters)
        elif op_type == OpType.COMPARISON:
            return self._parse_comparison_op(filters)
            raise Neo4jFilterParserError(
                f"Unknown operator({operator}) in filter dictionary. Should be either "
                f"comparison({COMPARISON_OPS}) or logical({LOGICAL_OPS})"

    def parse(self, filters: FilterType) -> OperatorAST:
        This is the entry point to parse a given metadata filter into an abstract syntax tree. The implementation
        delegates the parsing logic to the private `self._parse_tree` method.

            filters: Metadata filters to be parsed.

            Neo4jFilterParserError: In case parsing results in empty `AST` tree or more than one root node has been
                created after parsing.

            Abstract syntax tree representing `filters`. You should expect a single root operator returned, which
            could used to traverse the whole tree.

        return self._parse_tree(filters)

combine ¤

    *operands: Optional[OperatorAST], default_op: str = LOGICAL_OPS.OP_AND
) -> Optional[OperatorAST]

Combines several operands (standalone filter values) into a logical operator if number of operands is greater than one. Operands with None value are skipped (e.g. empty strings).


  • default_op (str, default: OP_AND ) –

    Default operator to be used to construct the LogicalOp, defaults to OP_AND


  • Optional[OperatorAST]

    Logical operator with operands or the operand itself if it is the only provided in arguments.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
def combine(self, *operands: Optional[OperatorAST], default_op: str = LOGICAL_OPS.OP_AND) -> Optional[OperatorAST]:
    Combines several operands (standalone filter values) into a logical operator if number of operands is greater
    than one. Operands with `None` value are skipped (e.g. empty strings).

        default_op: Default operator to be used to construct the `LogicalOp`, defaults to `OP_AND`

        Logical operator with `operands` or the operand itself if it is the only provided in arguments.
    valid_operands = [op for op in operands if op]

    if len(valid_operands) == 0:
        return None

    return valid_operands[0] if len(valid_operands) == 1 else self.logical_op(default_op, valid_operands)

_parse_comparison_op ¤

_parse_comparison_op(filters: FilterType) -> ComparisonOp

Parsing a comparison operator dictionary.


  • filters (FilterType) –

    Comparison filter dictionary with field, operator and value keys expected.



  • ComparisonOp

    AST node representing the comparison expression in abstract syntax tree.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
def _parse_comparison_op(self, filters: FilterType) -> ComparisonOp:
    Parsing a comparison operator dictionary.

        filters: Comparison filter dictionary with `field`, `operator` and `value` keys expected.

        Neo4jFilterParserError: If required `field` or `value` comparison dictionary keys are missing.

       `AST` node representing the comparison expression in abstract syntax tree.

    operator = filters["operator"]
    field_name = filters.get("field")
    filter_value = filters.get("value")

    if not field_name:
        raise Neo4jFilterParserError(f"`field` is mandatory in comparison filter dictionary: `{filters}`.")

    if filter_value is None:
        raise Neo4jFilterParserError(f"`value` is mandatory in comparison filter dictionary: `{filters}`.")

    return self.comparison_op(field_name, operator, filter_value)

_parse_logical_op ¤

_parse_logical_op(filters: FilterType) -> LogicalOp

This method is responsible of parsing logical operators. It returns LogicalOp with specific operator (e.g. "OR") and its operands (list of AST nodes). Operands are parsed by calling self._parse_tree which might result in further recursive parsing flow.


  • filters (FilterType) –

    Logical filter with conditions.


  • Neo4jFilterParserError

    If required conditions logic dictionary key is missing or is not a list with at least one item.


  • LogicalOp

    The instance of LogicalOp with the list parsed operands.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
def _parse_logical_op(self, filters: FilterType) -> LogicalOp:
    This method is responsible of parsing logical operators. It returns `LogicalOp` with specific operator
    (e.g. "OR") and its operands (list of `AST` nodes). Operands are parsed by calling `:::py self._parse_tree`
    which might result in further recursive parsing flow.

        filters: Logical filter with conditions.

        Neo4jFilterParserError: If required `conditions` logic dictionary key is missing or is not a `list` with at
            least one item.

        The instance of `LogicalOp` with the list parsed operands.

    op = filters["operator"]
    conditions = filters.get("conditions")

    if not conditions or not isinstance(conditions, list) or len(conditions) < 1:
        raise Neo4jFilterParserError("Can not parse logical operator with empty or absent conditions")

    operands: List[AST] = [self._parse_tree(condition) for condition in conditions]

    return self.logical_op(op, operands)

_parse_tree ¤

_parse_tree(filters: FilterType) -> OperatorAST

This parses filters dictionary and identifies operations based on its "operator" type, e.g. "AND" would be resolved to a logical operator type (OpType.LOGICAL). Once recognized the parsing of the operator and its filter will be delegated to a respective method (e.g. self._parse_logical_op or self._parse_comparison_op).


  • filters (FilterType) –

    Metadata filters dictionary. Could be the full filter value or a smaller filters chunk.



  • OperatorAST

    A root AST node of parsed filter.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
def _parse_tree(self, filters: FilterType) -> OperatorAST:
    This parses filters dictionary and identifies operations based on its "operator" type,
    e.g. "AND" would be resolved to a logical operator type (`OpType.LOGICAL`). Once recognized the parsing
    of the operator and its filter will be delegated to a respective method (e.g. `self._parse_logical_op` or

        filters: Metadata filters dictionary. Could be the full filter value or a smaller filters chunk.

        Neo4jFilterParserError: If required `operator` dictionary key is missing.
        Neo4jFilterParserError: If `filters` is not a dictionary.
        Neo4jFilterParserError: If operator value is unknown.

        A root `AST` node of parsed filter.

    if not isinstance(filters, dict):
        raise Neo4jFilterParserError("Filter must be a dictionary.")

    if "operator" not in filters:
        raise Neo4jFilterParserError("`operator` must ne present in both comparison and logic dictionaries.")

    operator = filters["operator"]
    op_type = OpType.from_op(operator)

    if op_type == OpType.LOGICAL:
        return self._parse_logical_op(filters)
    elif op_type == OpType.COMPARISON:
        return self._parse_comparison_op(filters)
        raise Neo4jFilterParserError(
            f"Unknown operator({operator}) in filter dictionary. Should be either "
            f"comparison({COMPARISON_OPS}) or logical({LOGICAL_OPS})"

parse ¤

parse(filters: FilterType) -> OperatorAST

This is the entry point to parse a given metadata filter into an abstract syntax tree. The implementation delegates the parsing logic to the private self._parse_tree method.


  • filters (FilterType) –

    Metadata filters to be parsed.


  • Neo4jFilterParserError

    In case parsing results in empty AST tree or more than one root node has been created after parsing.


  • OperatorAST

    Abstract syntax tree representing filters. You should expect a single root operator returned, which

  • OperatorAST

    could used to traverse the whole tree.

Source code in src/neo4j_haystack/metadata_filter/
def parse(self, filters: FilterType) -> OperatorAST:
    This is the entry point to parse a given metadata filter into an abstract syntax tree. The implementation
    delegates the parsing logic to the private `self._parse_tree` method.

        filters: Metadata filters to be parsed.

        Neo4jFilterParserError: In case parsing results in empty `AST` tree or more than one root node has been
            created after parsing.

        Abstract syntax tree representing `filters`. You should expect a single root operator returned, which
        could used to traverse the whole tree.

    return self._parse_tree(filters)